Energy Survey & Solutions Enyssol AB is a company started in 2015 and located in Kungsbacka 20 km south of Gothenburg Sweden but have the working area World Wide.
Some of the daily work consist of assisting incurrence companies and their clients with incidents, to make sure that any unexpected problem our clients experience is contained, investigated and handled to avoid re-occurrence. Together with our partners JnJ Survey & Altamarine AB in Sweden, we have over 100 years combined marine and technical expertise available 365/24/7.
The Enyssol company environmental Goal is to help the Shipping Industry to reduce the Energy consumption by creating more awareness of what kind of solutions are available on the market. This will all lead to a better Environment. We will work for the Energy for the Future...
"We are not smarter than others, We just focus on the solution for the problem"...
"The only source to knowledge is experience"...
"Everything must be done as simple as possible, but not simpler"...
" Logic takes You from A to B, Inventive will take You everywhere"...
“-If You can’t explain it simple, You probably don’t understand it so good” …
“The sailor don’t ask for tailwind, He learns how to sail”…
“- Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value” …
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